Saturday, September 20, 2008

PTC indonesia

Paid To Click From IndonesiA Hmm.. i've just join website klikrupiah, it's PTC from indonesia.

i'm anxious with this PTC. so far i never try PTC indonesia, and just know it today, Sep-20,2008. payment from this PTC minimum Rp. 50000, Rp.100/click. not bad.. but the transfer only by BCA and MANDIRI account. the advantage : they paid us directly to our bank account.

interesting is it?.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bantu temen SI

hi temen2 SI (Sistem Informasi)

nih ada website menarik buat download program dan E-Book:
1. free download My sql. honestly i haven't download, hehe. you can download here
2. dari website dwiantoro. banyak bahan SI yang bisa anda download E-book nya, disini

cukup ini dulu yach.. nanti kalau ada lagi nanti saya tambah.
^^. semoga bermanfaat

Friday, September 12, 2008

Kumpulan Kejadian Aneh dan Rekor Baru ^^

Hi all ^^.

Disini semuanya aku kumpulin berita2 sejarah/rekor baru dunia yang ga pernah terjadi sebelumnya
oh iy.. tunggu 1 menitan yach nanti baru klik, kalo ngga gagal. hehehe..

1. mau liat pertama kalinya Seekor Anjing Jadi Saksi di Sidang Pembunuhan?? klik disini
2. Rekor Aneh, Makan 23.000 Burger dalam 36 Tahun, klik disini
3. Kucing Hilang, Ditemukan Lagi Setelah 9 Tahun.. hmm.. pasang microchip pada hewan peliharaan anda bila itu anda tidak mau terjadi pada hewan kesayangan anda, klik disini
4. Menteri Dicopot karena Menari Erotis hanya dengan memakai celana dalam.. hahahaha, klik disini
5. Penemuan Tiram Berisi 26 Mutiara, tidak dapat dipercaya!!, klik disini
6. Rekor Olimpiade Beijing 2008, klik disini (tentang indonesia juga ada lho ^^)

Lanjutan 16-sep
7. Seekor anjing telepon 911 ????. hahaha, bisalah
8. Seekor anjing merawat bayi manusia??. wow
9. Possible First Photo of Planet Around Sun-Like Star
10. Legenda Manusia Biru.. hmmmmm
11. Sejarah KFC ^^. play it > right here

Lanjutan 27-Okt
12. Nenek lahirkan cucu.. ??????, bagaimana bisa??
hmm masih banyak lagi.. nanti saya update kalo sempet yach ^^.

Lanjutan 30-Sep

13. Foto Dramatis Yang Ikut Mengubah Sejarah

review :
1. pistol di kepala gerilyawan vietnam
2. jendral sudirman, paru-parunya tinggal sebelah, dia memimpin gerilya selama 7 bulan menghadapi agresi militer ke-2, berpindah dari hutan ke hutan dengan ditandu dan tanpa pengobatan sama sekali.
3. seorang bocah perempuan kelaparan merangkak lemah susah payah menuju pusat pembagian makan, berhenti ditengah jalan dan mengumpulkan tenaga.
4. 10.000 masa kulit putih nekad mengamuk dan menggelandang dua pemuda kulit hitam dari penjara dan hukum gantung??.. so scare
5. dsb

14. Foto ular melahirkan , penasaran??

Lanjutan 04-Nov
15. buaya mati karena telan 25 tas plastik. ?????

Terima kasih udah baca yach teman2 ^^

Friday, September 05, 2008

How to Play Minesweeper?, IT'S EASY^^


it's the game that we always can see in WINDOWS, along solitaire, hearts, freecell
So many people knows this game
but only a few know how to play.

But now i will tell you how to PLAY.

if you already know how to play please don't read it.
to open the games, please click START (the position at the left corner in windows), All Programs, Games, Minesweeper

Long2 time a go i only know Minesweeper can be played by only click, click, click and click, it's a gambling.. hehehe..
but now i know it's not just click, click, click and win the game.
and it's very bored, so i never play this game again, because i always lose :))

until 1 day i know how to play..
it's very fun. you can take your break by play this game.
There is only 1 way to win the game without gambling.

here i inform you :

the first thing that we must know is :

"1" means there is 1 bomb around 1 box of them, but we don't know where is the 1 bomb.

How about "2" ??... it's same.

and it also for number "3","4" and "5"


Let's play.

below here i introduce you how to play, by applying the basic rule.

open the minesweeper. remember , it just EXAMPLE

first click randomly until you get many box opened , if you got bomb then try again.
it's the example :

First, search the bomb by look at the number :

the box that i remark with yellow colors all, is the bomb poisition

now you already know where is the bomb, then after that click right your mouse to perform
red flag like below picture

now we find 1 bomb..

Still confused?.
ok we continue the example.
after we know 1 bom then see another number,

around the yellow remark number "1" already have 1 bomb. (it's the red flag = the bomb), so around the others box
is NOT a bomb.

see below picture, i already click the box, it' s SAFE!

let's continue the game as below,

below picture we found number "2"

click right mouse again, and perform the red flag.

easy right??. now you can play. enjoy the games

for winning the games you must full concentrate.
find the bomb and give red flag and click the safe area

try in begginer level first.

if already know sure the games you can try higher level.


PTC Indonesia